How to get domains and Host on a Website?

How to get domains and Host on a Website?

Here is the details that can use and complete the Cycle:


  1. Domain Purchase:
    1. Find the domains name
    2. Expired Domains Find
    3. Register Domain name with any of the following website (,, and and domain must be under privacy.
  2. Web Hosting Setup For Domain
    1. Create Host for registered domains with different - different web hosting providers (Digital Ocean, Vultr,,, and etc.)
    2. Setup Cloud flare for Domains
    3. At the time of host create tracker URL
    4. Provide Domain and Hosting Details to Developer to upload the website
  3. After Account Run, Following Process
    1. Domain Remove
    2. Cloudflare remove from the domains
    3. Tracking URL remove
    4. Web Hosting remove for the domain
    5. Take backup of Ads & Daily Spend of Account
    6. Remove profile from the account

Web Developer / Designer

  1. Website Development
    1. Website Design and Development with Different - Different CMS ( HTML, PHP, WordPress, Joomla, Magento, Drupal etc.)
    2. New Content for Every website
    3. New Landing Page Creation and Do Require Changes
    4. Existing Landing Pages, Clean, update and Save on local environment
    5. Black Account and Page preparation for paid run