How to get domains and Host on a Website?
Here is the details that can use and complete the Cycle:
- Domain Purchase:
- Find the domains name
- Expired Domains Find
- Register Domain name with any of the following website (,, and and domain must be under privacy.
- Web Hosting Setup For Domain
- Create Host for registered domains with different - different web hosting providers (Digital Ocean, Vultr,,, and etc.)
- Setup Cloud flare for Domains
- At the time of host create tracker URL
- Provide Domain and Hosting Details to Developer to upload the website
- After Account Run, Following Process
- Domain Remove
- Cloudflare remove from the domains
- Tracking URL remove
- Web Hosting remove for the domain
- Take backup of Ads & Daily Spend of Account
- Remove profile from the account
Web Developer / Designer
- Website Development
- Website Design and Development with Different - Different CMS ( HTML, PHP, WordPress, Joomla, Magento, Drupal etc.)
- New Content for Every website
- New Landing Page Creation and Do Require Changes
- Existing Landing Pages, Clean, update and Save on local environment
- Black Account and Page preparation for paid run